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Nov 29, 2018

One of the best things about being a knitter is that you rarely find yourself at loose ends. Knitting turns hair-pulling inconveniences like Airport delays, long drives, and days at the in-laws into one of our favorite things: time to knit. At least with the proper preparation.

First up, Stacey and Hannah give you the...

Nov 15, 2018

It was a year ago this month that Knit Picks marked a momentous milestone: attending our first ever show. Since that first experience at Vogue Knitting Seattle, we've seen a lot of interesting places, made a lot of dumb mistakes, and met so many fabulous Knit Picks fans.

First up, Alexis and Stacey look back at our year...

Nov 1, 2018

The collision of the knitting and gifting seasons is a blessing or a curse, an oppression or an opportunity, all depending on your preparation. We all want cute and cozy knit decor on every surface, socks on every foot, and sweaters under every tree. The key to a successful crafting season is starting early and...